Company Courses
Growing Together
We can provide your company with an effective system of education, helping your key employees learn, explore and grow.
We offer:
specialised courses and development plans
a personalised learning experience for all employees

Dive Right In
Business Skills (negotiations, sales skills, presentations)
Business Communication (phone calls, emails and correspondence)
Energy Industry
IT and Telecommunications
Advertising and Marketing
Human Resources
Customer Support
Real Estate / Property Services

Let us help you grow...
Hands-On Learning
Our students are our priority
We are results-oriented (language audits, regular testing and evaluation
All course administration and organisation will be fully taken care of
We focus on communication skills

Growing Together
Andritz Hydro, s.r.o.
Centrum Holdings
Cihelna Entertaiment Complex s.r.o.
DEK a.s.
FID Group, a.s.
Fresenius Medical Care – DS, s.r.o.
Gastroart CZ, spol. s.r.o.
ISEA – Institut pro sociální a ekonomické analýzy
Javarex s.r.o.
MedaPharma, s.r.o.
Médea, a.s.
MedPharm Consulting s.r.o.
MND (Moravské naftové doly), a.s.
MND Gas Storage a.s.
Námořní akademie České republiky
Neovision, s.r.o.
NESS Czech s.r.o.
NET4GAS, s.r.o.
Nutricia, a.s.
Oracle Czech, s.r.o.
Papoil čerpací stanice, s.r.o.
Pneuservis Procházka
RM Gastro CZ a.s.
RWE Interní Služby, s.r.o.
RWE IT Czech, s.r.o.
RWE Services, s.r.o.
RWE Transgas
RWE Transgas NET
Řízení letového provozu České republiky
Spa Hotel Thermal****, Thermal-F,a.s.
Stavebniny DEK a.s.
Stomatologická ordinace MUDr. Svatava Šedová
Vinotéka L.C. Nicolas
VNG Energie Czech a.s.

In-Company Courses
English Training
prides itself on a variety of courses for companies, geared towards every age, background and previous education. Contact us to find out more!